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The tools and services maintained by the Language Bank may be accessible via a web interface, or they can be installed via download from e.g. GitHub or Korp. You can also find other tools developed by member organizations of FIN-CLARIN / CLARIN ERIC.

Service levels

Our language resources have three different levels of support.

A: The resource is under active development. The Language Bank of Finland fixes any issues as soon as possible.
B: The resource is developed only upon user request. The Language Bank of Finland aims to fix issues concerning the resource, but external contributions may be required.
C: The resource is available ”as is”. The Language Bank of Finland does not fix nor develop the resource.

If you are looking for a tool not listed here, please have a look in META-SHARE or CLARIN Virtual Language Observatory (VLO).

Please find an overview of all our resources sorted by resource families on Resource families Fin-Clarin.

StartNameDescriptionInstructionsInstallInfoAdministratorService level
Korp at the Language Bank of FinlandKorpA web-based concordance tool that can be used for corpus queries based on morphosyntactic analysis and various other features.Instructionsicon-question-circleThe Language Bank of FinlandA
DownloadDownload serviceDownload certain corpora.icon-question-circleThe Language Bank of FinlandA
SanatSanatA platform for publishing lexica and word lists.icon-question-circleThe Language Bank of FinlandB
FinTagFinnish TagtoolsA part-of-speech and morphology tagger and a named entity recogniser for Finnish.Install
Use via Docker
icon-question-circleThe Language Bank of FinlandA
DemoDemo tools at the Language Bank of FinlandDemos of tools that are in development at the Language Bank of Finland: FinTag and FiNER, FinSentiment, FinnWordNet, HFST POS taggers, HFST morphological analyzers, Lemmamatch, etc. (In Finnish)The Language Bank of FinlandC
WebAnnoText annotation tool.User GuideStandalone
icon-question-circleThe Language Bank of FinlandA
SignbankLexical database of Finnish Sign Language.icon-question-circleUniversity of JyväskyläA
OPUSAn interface for open source parallel corpora.icon-question-circleUniversity of Helsinki
The Helsinki Term Bank for the Arts and SciencesA multidisciplinary project that aims to gather a permanent terminological database for all fields of research in Finland.icon-question-circleUniversity of HelsinkiA
LääketutkaLääketutka, "the Medicine Radar", provides analytics about health, medicine and symptom-related discussions in the Suomi24 discussion forum.icon-question-circleUniversity of HelsinkiC
ANEE Lex­ical NetworksANEE Lex­ical NetworksA graphic semantic dictionary represented as a network. You can use the portal for exploring the meanings of singular Akkadian words in a visual way.icon-question-circleUniversity of Helsinki
Proto-Indo-European LexiconA generative etymological dictionary of Indo-European languagesicon-question-circleUniversity of Helsinki
WancaWancaWanca is a portal for websites in Uralic languages. icon-question-circleUniversity of HelsinkiA
TNPP-LBFTurku Neural Parser Pipeline, Kielipankki version (TNPP-LBF)Turku Neural Parsing Pipeline, adapted by The Language Bank of FinlandAccess via Puhti
Install (Docker)
icon-question-circleThe Language Bank of Finland
Turku Neural Parser
Turku Neural Parser PipelineA tool developed by the Turku NLP group for parsing Finnish text.Install (GitHub)
icon-question-circleUniversity of Turku
TDPP-LBFTurku Dependency Parser Pipeline, Kielipankki version (TDPP-LBF)Finnish Dependency Parsing Pipeline, adapted by The Language Bank of FinlandInstall (GitHub)icon-question-circleThe Language Bank of Finland
TDPPFinnish dependency parser developed by TurkuNLP (TDPP)An open source dependency parsing pipeline developed by the TurkuNLP group for analyzing Finnish text.Install (GitHub)icon-question-circleUniversity of Turku
UDPipe-LBFUDPipe Kielipankki versionUDPipe is a trainable pipeline for tokenization, tagging, lemmatization and dependency parsing of CoNLL-U files, installed at Kielipankki.Access via Puhtiicon-question-circleThe Language Bank of Finland
UDPipeUDPipeUDPipe is a trainable pipeline for tokenization, tagging, lemmatization and dependency parsing of CoNLL-U files.Install (GitHub)icon-question-circle
TurkuNLP word embeddingTurkuNLP word embedding demo (word2vec)A tool developed for analyzing the semantic similarity of words.icon-question-circleUniversity of Turku
Finnish Internet Parsebank:
Syntax-based search (SETS)
from the Finnish Internet Parsebank
Syntax-based search (SETS)
from parts of the Finnish Internet Parsebank.
DocumentationUniversity of Turku
FinBERTFinBERTBERT model trained from scratch on Finnish.Install (GitHub)icon-question-circleUniversity of Turku
TexthammerTexthammerA search and analysis toolkit for parallel corpora provided by the University of Tampere.Documentation (PDF)icon-question-circleUniversity of Tampere is a portal with the most important digital resources of names and named entities collected from and archived in Finland.icon-question-circleInstitute for the Languages of Finland
Terminology ForumTerminology ForumTerminology Forum – A collection of links to special field glossaries, University of Vaasaicon-question-circleUniversity of Vaasa
SparvSparvA multilingual toolkit provided by the Swedish Språkbanken for parsing and annotating text in various languages.User manual (GUI)Installation and setupicon-question-circleSWE-CLARIN (Språkbanken)
WebMAUSWebMAUSA set of tools for automatic segmentation and labelling of speech.Instructions
TranskribusTranskribusA toolkit for transcribing and managing historical documents (e.g., images and scanned text).Instructions (PDF)Installicon-question-circleUniversity of Innsbruck
Aalto-ASRAalto University Automatic Speech Recognition SystemAn automatic speech recognition toolkit that can be used in the CSC computing environment. Some features are available via the Mylly service.InstructionsInstall (GitHub)icon-question-circleAalto University
ELANELANELAN is a program for transcribing and annotating audio and video files. It can also be used for searching locally stored collections of annotated material.InstructionsInstallicon-question-circleThe Language Archive
PraatPraatPraat is a comprehensive toolkit for annotating, processing, analyzing and visualizing speech. Praat includes a scripting language.InstructionsInstallicon-question-circleUniversity of Amsterdam
CLARIN Federated Content SearchRun a centralized query from all the resources provided by CLARIN centers.icon-question-circleCLARIN ERIC
GephiGephiA program for network analysis and visualization.Install
LAT at the Language Bank of FinlandLAT (Language Archive Tools)A toolkit for browsing and querying annotated speech and video corpora.
NB: The LAT service was discontinued as of 30 November 2020, see details.
InstructionsThe Language Bank of FinlandC
digi.kansalliskirjasto.fiDigital collectionsA search and download service for digital collections from the National Library of Finland. In addition to newspapers and magazines, the collections include, e.g., books, pictures and maps. Note that a large proportion of the newspapers and magazines can also be used via the Korp service in the Language Bank (see KLK).icon-question-circleNational Library of Finland
textreuse.sls.fiText reuse in the Swedish-language press, 1645-1918A search engine for searching and analyzing clusters of text reuse in the Swedish-language press from 1645 to 1918.icon-question-circle
FinnONTOFinnONTOFinnish and international ontologies, vocabularies and thesauri needed for publishing content cost-efficiently on the Semantic Web.icon-question-circle
Dictionary of Contemporary FinnishDictionary of Contemporary FinnishDictionary of standard Finnish made by the Institute for the Languages of Finland.icon-question-circleInstitute for the Languages of Finland
HeLI-OTSHeLI-OTS 2.0HeLI off-the-shelf language identifier with language models for 220 languages.icon-question-circleUniversity of Helsinki
Kotus digital collectionsKotus digital collectionsThe web page offers links to the Institute’s corpora and material available online free of charge.icon-question-circleInstitute for the Languages of Finland
GiellateknoGiellatekno - Dictionaries and toolsDictionaries and tools for the analysis of Saami and other morphologically-rich languages.icon-question-circle
GiellaLTGiellaLTGiellaLT provides an infrastructure for rule-based language technology aimed at minority and indigenous languagesicon-question-circle
FinMeterFinMeter – Tools for analyzing poetry in FinnishFinMeter is a library for analyzing poetry in Finnish. It handles typical rhyming such as alliteration, assonance and consonance, Japanese meters and Kalevala meter. It can also be used to hyphenate Finnish and analyse meter. In addition, it can do semantic clustering, metaphor interpretation, concreteness scoring and sentiment analysis.University of Helsinki
MurreMurreThe Murre library normalizes non-standard Finnish (puhekieli) to standard Finnish (kirjakieli). The library is maintained by Mika Hämäläinen.University of Helsinki
UralicNLPUralicNLP- Natural language processing for many languagesUralicNLP can produce morphological analyses, generate morphological forms, lemmatize words and give lexical information about words in Uralic and other languages.The functionality originates mainly in FST tools and dictionaries developed in the GiellaLT infrastructure and Apertium. University of Helsinki
AnnifAnnifAnnif is a tool for automated subject indexing and classification, developed at the National Library of Finland.National Library of Finland – Speech recognition: speech to textAutomated speech transcription service for Estonian and Finnish speech and a user interface for transcription editing.icon-question-circle
finnsurveytextfinnsurveytextTool set for social science researchers to be able to analyse and understand responses to open-ended questions within their surveys.InstructionsInstall (GitHub)icon-question-circle
Nordic Tweet Stream (NTS)Nordic Tweet Stream (NTS) search & visualization interfaceA multilingual monitor corpus of geolocated tweets and associated metadata from the Nordic region.icon-question-circle
MyllyMylly (discontinued)Versatile data analysis platform with interactive visualizations and workflows.Instructionsicon-question-circleThe Language Bank of FinlandC
