digital humanities

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Digital Research Data and Human Sciences (DRDHum) 2024

Itä-Suomen yliopisto, Joensuun kampus Joensuu, Suomi

The Digital Research Data and Human Sciences (DRDHum) conference aims to bring together researchers who have different areas of interest and expertise to discuss the themes of data compilation and management, and to share their knowledge and experience of using digital materials, methods, and data analysis tools.

Helsinki Digital Humanities Hackathon 2024 #DHH24

Helsingin yliopiston päärakennus Fabianinkatu 33, Helsinki, Suomi

Helsinki Digital Humanities Hackathon #DHH24 will be organized 15.–24.5.2024 as a CLARIN and DARIAH international summer school.

DARIAH-FI Christmas Workshop (DARIAH-FI -joulutyöpaja)

University of Helsinki, Minerva Plaza Siltavuorenpenger 5 A, Helsinki, Suomi

DARIAH-FI Christmas Workshop You are warmly invited to the DARIAH-FI Christmas Workshop on December 19. The Language Bank of Finland will also be presented during the day. It will be possible to participate in the event either online or on site. Details about the program and registration Presentation of the Language Bank of Finland: Video: […]

Helsinki Digital Hu­man­it­ies Hack­a­thon 19.–28.5.2021

Helsingin yliopisto Yliopistonkatu 4, Helsinki, Suomi

The Helsinki Digital Humanities Hackathon is a chance to experience an interdisciplinary research project from start to finish within the span of 10 days. Read more and apply for participation by 2.4.2020!

Hae Kielipankki-portaalista:
Aku Rouhe
Kuukauden tutkija: Aku Rouhe


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