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Kielipankki Roadshow at Helsinki Collegium of Advanced Studies

15.5.2017 13.1515.30

Kielipankki on tour at Helsinki Collegium of Advanced Studies

The Language Bank of Finland will visit Helsinki Collegium of Advanced Studies on Monday, 15th May. The event will be held in English and it is open to all researchers and staff in the University of Helsinki. Welcome to see and hear what the Language Bank offers for researchers in Humanities and Social Sciences!

During the event, you will also have the possibility to ask questions about sharing your research materials and about other services provided by FIN-CLARIN and the Language Bank of Finland.

Location: Helsinki Collegium of Advanced Studies, seminar room 136 (1st floor)

In order to estimate the amount of refreshments, we kindly ask you to register by Wednesday, 10th May. Registration is not obligatory.
Registration form

Program (provisional; will be updated)

13.15-13.50 Roadshow of the Language Bank of Finland (Krister Lindén and Mietta Lennes)

  • Introduction to FIN-CLARIN and the Language Bank of Finland
  • Korp interface: example searches of text and speech corpora, map feature, links to external documents

Discussion and an interview with the audience



14.45-15.30 Brief presentations by researchers

  • Kaius Sinnemäki (presentation title to be announced)
  • Florencia Quesada and Nora Fabritius: Mapping representations of power in turn-of-the century Guatemala City

What is the Language Bank of Finland?

The Language Bank of Finland (Kielipankki) is a collection of services for researchers who use language materials in their work. The Language Bank offers a wide collection of text and speech corpora on which researchers and students can run versatile queries. It is also possible to study and process materials using the tools available in the Language Bank or to download materials to your local computer. Many of the corpora in the Language Bank of Finland are openly available, some of them require you to log in with your university credentials. Access rights to restricted materials can be applied online. Regular use of the Language Bank of Finland is free for researchers and students.

The services of the Language Bank of Finland are maintained and developed by FIN-CLARIN, a consortium of Finnish universities and research organizations coordinated by the University of Helsinki. Researchers and research groups can deposit their language materials with FIN-CLARIN for redistribution. FIN-CLARIN is part of the international research infrastructure consortium CLARIN ERIC.


Tapahtuma tagia:


+358 2941 40599, +358 2941 29317
fin-clarin (ATT)
Näytä Järjestäjä WWW-sivusto


Helsinki Collegium of Advanced Studies
Fabianinkatu 24
Helsinki, Suomi
+ Google Map
Näytä Tapahtumapaikka WWW-sivusto
Hae Kielipankki-portaalista:
Marko Jouste
Kuukauden tutkija: Marko Jouste


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kielipankki (ät)
p. 09 4572001

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fin-clarin (ät)
p. 029 4129317

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