FIN-CLARIAH Summer Event
CSC – Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus Life Science Center, Keilaranta 14 C, Espoo, SuomiThe workshop takes place at the Life Science Center in Keilaniemi, Espoo.
The workshop takes place at the Life Science Center in Keilaniemi, Espoo.
Learn to process language resources in a computational environment: register for a two-day remote course in June ––– Harjoittele kielivarojen käsittelyä CSC:n laskentaympäristössä kesäkuussa kaksipäiväisellä etäkurssilla
Kielipankki was presented by Mietta Lennes during the morning session of the Department Development Day.
It is also possible to participate online – register now!
The internal autumn workshop of the Language Bank of Finland
FIN-CLARIAH Meeting 1.12.2023 This event is organized by and for the people involved in the FIN-CLARIAH project. The workshop takes place in Tampere. Program and further details << FIN-CLARIAH […]
DARIAH-FI Christmas Workshop You are warmly invited to the DARIAH-FI Christmas Workshop on December 19. The Language Bank of Finland will also be presented during the day. It will be […]
CLARIN Café on Computer-assisted Pragmatic Annotation of native and learner Corpora General information This CLARIN Café is organised by Nicola Brocca, Joseph Wang-Kathrein, Eva Maria Hirzinger-Unterrainer (Universität Innsbruck), Elena Nuzzo […]
Helsinki Digital Humanities Hackathon #DHH24 will be organized 15.–24.5.2024 as a CLARIN and DARIAH international summer school.
Are you planning on using CSC's high-performance computing (HPC) services (Puhti, Mahti, Allas...) in the near future? Have you been using these services already, but would like to make sure […]
How to handle large datasets, install own software and scale up workflows efficiently in CSC's computing environment Are you using CSC's high-performance computing (HPC) services (Puhti, Mahti, Allas...), but want […]
The European Language Data Space and the University of Helsinki are bringing together experts from the Finnish Industry, Public Administration and Research to discuss the importance of language data for […]
The Digital Research Data and Human Sciences (DRDHum) conference aims to bring together researchers who have different areas of interest and expertise to discuss the themes of data compilation and management, and to share their knowledge and experience of using digital materials, methods, and data analysis tools.
Resurrection – T-Bone Slim Corpus and Database Launching Event For further information and registration, please see Soon available via Kielipankki – the Language Bank of Finland: T-Bone Slim Corpus […]
The CLARIN Conference 2024 will be a hybrid event. Virtual attendance is open to the wider public. The conference will take place in Barcelona, Spain. The event is organised and hosted by CLARIN ERIC, in collaboration with CLARIAH-ES.
CLARIN Café: Of Users and Infrastructures About This Café focuses on the digital research practices and needs of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) stakeholders, particularly in light of the impact […]
CLARIN Café - SSHOC Marketplace and Workflows About This CLARIN Café showcases the SSH Open Marketplace, a discovery portal which pools and contextualises resources for Social Sciences and Humanities research […]
This 2-hour workshop presents the results, services, and ongoing work produced within FIN-CLARIAH. The workshop is open to all attendees of DRDHum 2024.
This online course is intended for students in languages or other fields who wish to learn the basics of corpus use.
Verkkokurssi Korpuslingvistiikka ja tilastolliset menetelmät on suunnattu kieliaineiden ja muiden aineiden opiskelijoille, jotka haluavat oppia korpusten käytön perusteet. Tälle kurssille ovat tilan salliessa tervetulleita myös muiden kuin Helsingin yliopiston opiskelijat. […]
Our workshop on Large Language Models and Speech-Centric AI will showcase various use cases and applications both in the public and private sector. Our objective is to introduce the current […]
FIN-CLARIAH Meeting 22.11.2024
Den finlandssvenska teckenspråkskorpusen publiceras Publiceringen av den finlandssvenska teckenspråkskorpusen firas torsdagen den 31 oktober 2024 kl. 13.00 vid Jyväskylä universitet. Man kan delta på distans. Suomenruotsalaisen viittomakielen korpuksen julkistustilaisuus Suomenruotsalaisen […]
Verkkokurssi: Puheen analyysin perusteet Verkkokurssille voi osallistua ilmaiseksi kaikista suomalaisista yliopistoista käsin. Tilan salliessa kurssille voidaan ottaa myös ulkomaisia opiskelijoita. Kurssin voi suorittaa suomeksi tai englanniksi. Ilmoittautuminen ja lisätiedot kurssisivulta. […]
Online course: Data Clinic This course will help you in the various stages of managing, annotating and analyzing your set of research data that primarily consists of text and/or speech. […]
Kun halutaan kehittää puheella toimivia palveluita, joita voi käyttää suomeksi, tarvitaan valtava määrä suomenkielistä puhetta erilaisilta, eri-ikäisiltä ihmisiltä. Vuosina 2020-2024 toimineen Lahjoita puhetta -kampanjan tarkoituksena oli kerätä suuri ja mahdollisimman monipuolinen […]
Presentations at the Kick-off Seminar for Ukrainian Teachers in Digital Humanities Presentations by Mietta Lennes: Introduction to the Language Bank of Finland Implementing an online course on Corpus Linguistics on […]
CLARIN Café: Project Management in DH About The topic of this café is project management and team collaboration in Digital Humanities projects. Our guests from academia, industry and research infrastructures will […]
FIN-CLARIAH Roadshow in Vaasa: What is new in the Finnish digital research infrastructure? FIN-CLARIAH will participate in a roadshow event in Vaasa 14.3.2025, where some of the central resources and […]