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Tutorial at RDHum 2019: Tools and services in the Language Bank of Finland

Oulun yliopisto Pentti Kaiteran katu 1, Oulu

During this workshop/tutorial, you will see a presentation of the Language Bank of Finland and take a glance at some of the tools and services that are currently available there. You are also welcome to ask questions about tools or about processing and publishing your own data. Please bring your own laptop if you want to try something out on site. Welcome!

Hae Kielipankki-portaalista:
Aku Rouhe
Kuukauden tutkija: Aku Rouhe


Tulevat tapahtumat


Kielipankin tekninen ylläpito:
kielipankki (ät) csc.fi
p. 09 4572001

Aineistoihin ja muuhun sisältöön liittyvät asiat:
fin-clarin (ät) helsinki.fi
p. 029 4129317

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