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CLARIN PLUS Workshop on User Involvement

Metsätalo, Helsingin yliopisto Unioninkatu 40, Helsinki

The purpose of the CLARIN PLUS Workshop on User Involvement is to share ideas and good practices for reaching out to new users of CLARIN services. The workshop is intended for sharing information, know-how and expertise especially with the more recently joined CLARIN member countries. The workshop is open to invited representatives only.

Hae Kielipankki-portaalista:
Aku Rouhe
Kuukauden tutkija: Aku Rouhe


Tulevat tapahtumat


Kielipankin tekninen ylläpito:
kielipankki (ät) csc.fi
p. 09 4572001

Aineistoihin ja muuhun sisältöön liittyvät asiat:
fin-clarin (ät) helsinki.fi
p. 029 4129317

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