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Mietta Lennes & Minnaleena Toivola:

Pitch distributions in a very large corpus of spontaneous Finnish speech

Poster and supplementary materials presented at Interspeech 2023, 20.-24.8.2023, Dublin, Ireland.

Last updated: 2023-08-25

This page contains a picture of the poster presented at the conference and some additional figures and details about the piece of research in question. For further information, please contact Mietta Lennes.



(Click to download the image as a pdf document)

The poster describes the main results of the conference article.

Additional figures

Pitch density of 60 speakers (red=female, blue=male; according to spelf-reported gender), after the second pass of the pitch detection process
Pitch density of 60 speakers (red=female, blue=male; according to spelf-reported gender); referred to speaker-specific most typical pitch (statistical mode), after the second pass of the pitch detection process


The pitch data used for this study

The pitch data calculated for this paper will be published as an online dataset. The link to the data will be added on this page.


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How to cite this poster presentation page

Mietta Lennes & Minnaleena Toivola (2023). Pitch distributions in a very large corpus of spontaneous Finnish speech. Poster and supplementary materials. Interspeech 2023, 20.-24.8.2023, Dublin, Ireland. Available:

Cite the original conference article:

Lennes, M., Toivola, M. (2023). Pitch distributions in a very large corpus of spontaneous Finnish speech. Proc. INTERSPEECH 2023, 4778-4782, doi: 10.21437/Interspeech.2023-1822

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