This page contains the Language Bank of Finland’s logo in high resolution as well as the official colors and fonts used on this site and in other publications. The placement of the logo must conform to the graphic guidelines (pdf, in Finnish). For example, there should always be at least a capital K’s width of empty space around the logo.
Websites and other electronic media (RGB)
Printed media (CMYK)
Websites and other electronic media (RGB)
Printed media (CMYK)
Websites and other electronic media
(NB: leave space around the logo) |
Websites and other electronic media
(NB: leave space around the logo) |
Websites and other electronic media
Printed media
#CAD2E6 | |
#7A90C3 | |
#4D5A91 | |
#F16522 |
#DCE3F0 | |
#86BAE4 | |
#FFCA94 | |
#FFA64D |
The official font of the Language Bank is Lato.