Preliminary Program
11.00-11.10 Welcoming Words by Katri Tegel, Development Manager, CSC
11.10-12.00 Keynote: Mikko Kurimo, Professor of Speech and Language Processing, Aalto University
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.00-15.00 Thematic Groups
- DH Education:
This group gathers together people who are interested in DH education: how can we disseminate our RI services to Finnish SSH communities through education, both in the short and long term?
- Documentation:
This group develops best practices for documentation inside the project: what is the quality we want to reach by the end of the year, and how our documentation varies in different contexts (e.g., graphical user interfaces versus code repositories)?
- Speech Data in Research:
This group discusses the needs of researchers using speech data: what is the state-of-the-art, and how is FIN-CLARIAH going to push the field further?
- Visual Sources in Research:
This group discusses the needs of researchers using visual sources (videos, images, photos): what is the state-of-the-art, and how is FIN-CLARIAH going to push the field further?
15.00-15.30 Coffee
15.30-16.15 Sharing the Results from the Groups
16.15-17.00 Free Chilling & Refreshments / Parallel session: Executive Board Meeting (with Zoom option)