<< FIN-CLARIAH Overview

FIN-CLARIAH Summer Event 6.6.2023 11-17

Place: CSC, Life Science Centre, Keilaranta 14 C, Espoo



Preliminary Program

11.00-11.10 Welcoming Words by Katri Tegel, Development Manager, CSC

11.10-12.00 Keynote: Mikko Kurimo, Professor of Speech and Language Processing, Aalto University

12.00-13.00 Lunch

13.00-15.00 Thematic Groups

  1. DH Education:
    This group gathers together people who are interested in DH education: how can we disseminate our RI services to Finnish SSH communities through education, both in the short and long term?
  2. Documentation:
    This group develops best practices for documentation inside the project: what is the quality we want to reach by the end of the year, and how our documentation varies in different contexts (e.g., graphical user interfaces versus code repositories)?
  3. Speech Data in Research:
    This group discusses the needs of researchers using speech data: what is the state-of-the-art, and how is FIN-CLARIAH going to push the field further?
  4. Visual Sources in Research:
    This group discusses the needs of researchers using visual sources (videos, images, photos): what is the state-of-the-art, and how is FIN-CLARIAH going to push the field further?

15.00-15.30 Coffee

15.30-16.15 Sharing the Results from the Groups

16.15-17.00 Free Chilling & Refreshments / Parallel session: Executive Board Meeting (with Zoom option)



Search the Language Bank Portal:
Tamás Grósz
Researcher of the Month: Tamás Grósz


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The Language Bank's technical support:
kielipankki (at) csc.fi
tel. +358 9 4572001

Requests related to language resources:
fin-clarin (at) helsinki.fi
tel. +358 29 4129317

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