Grant agreement: Research Council of Finland no. 358720
Start date: 01-01-2024
Duration: 24 months
WP x.y: Report on <topic of the deliverable>
Date of reporting: dd-mm-2024
Report authors: Firstname Lastname (Organization)
Contributors: Firstname Lastname (Organization)
Deliverable location: <link to, e.g., a GitHub repository, or other external location that includes further information or relevant content>
Keywords for the deliverable page: (any relevant keywords separated with semicolons; for search engines etc.)
The description text (max. 3000 characters) may include the following, if applicable:
The publication-ready deliverable should be emailed as a MS Word document (or similar) to wilhelmina.dyster (ATT), Cc:krister.linden (ATT)
Deadline for deliverables due 2024-12: Send the content for your deliverable page by 12.12.2024.