FIN-CLARIAH is a research infrastructure for Social Sciences and Humanities that comprises two components, FIN-CLARIN and DARIAH-FI. Taking as its core the well-established best practices developed in the language resource and language research-based FIN-CLARIN, FIN-CLARIAH seeks to significantly broaden the scope of infrastructural support.

This will be organised so that FIN-CLARIN continues to break new ground in supporting research based on language data, while DARIAH-FI engages researchers from a broad range of disciplines to develop infrastructure for big, heterogeneous SSH data. Beyond collaborating at the boundaries where their missions overlap, both components will share facilities for the management and negotiation of material rights, for technical access, as well as for hosting documentation, tools and services.

FIN-CLARIN is a mature infrastructure with a high-quality service model through its online service centre Kielipankki – The Language Bank of Finland. FIN-CLARIN’s focus on centrally provided resources for language-based research will be complemented by DARIAH-FI’s wider discipline base and bottom-up approach to data and service creation.

Our vision is that the two RI components are complementary and will provide a workflow in which research groups from anywhere in Finland can get peer support and resources for applying digital methods regardless of their SSH field. And, once their research advances, they will be able to communicate their derivative data and new tools, some of which will end up in the Language Bank, a national distribution channel for harmonised data and benchmarked tools.

More about FIN-CLARIAH
More about the FIN-CLARIAH roadmap

Download the FIN-CLARIAH poster template (.pptx, 300K)


The FIN-CLARIN consortium consists of a group of Finnish universities along with CSC – IT Center for Science and the Institute for the Languages of Finland (Kotus). FIN-CLARIN helps the researchers in Finland to use, to refine, to preserve and to share their language resources. The Language Bank of Finland is the service centre that provides the language materials and tools for the research community.

Within FIN-CLARIN, the University of Helsinki is responsible for obtaining new corpora, for developing specific tools and for organising courses, whereas CSC – IT Centre for Science provides the technical services of the Language Bank.

FIN-CLARIN is a member of CLARIN ERIC that aims to build a common infrastructure for the digital humanities in Europe.

More about FIN-CLARIN
CLARIN Legal terms, agreements and licenses
CLARIN license categories

The mission of the Language Bank of Finland

The services that are developed or upgraded for the SSH research community by the FIN-CLARIAH research infrastructure members will be provided openly for researchers through the Language Bank of Finland.

The Language Bank accepts and makes available resources with a natural language component in the data or the metadata that have been produced by researchers in Finland or by researchers of Finnish or Fenno-Ugric languages.

The Language Bank of Finland’s data management policy

Logos and style instructions of the Language Bank of Finland and FIN-CLARIN


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Simo Määttä
Researcher of the Month: Simo Määttä


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The Language Bank's technical support:
kielipankki (at)
tel. +358 9 4572001

Requests related to language resources:
fin-clarin (at)
tel. +358 29 4129317

More contact information