
Researcher of the Month: Tommi Jauhiainen


Tommi Jauhiainen works as a Project Planning Officer in Kielipankki and he is currently starting his two-year post doc. Here, Tommi tells us about his research related to some language resources in Kielipankki.

Korp to be moved to another server on 10 December 2020


Korp to be moved to another server on 10 December 2020 The Korp service will be moved to another server on 10 December 2020. The address of the Korp service will […]

Welcome to the next Kielipankki Live 14.12.2020 at 13:00! Register now


The next Kielipankki Live event will be held on Monday 14th December starting at 13:00 via Zoom. The event will be  in English, but questions are welcome in Finnish as well! The main themes are speech corpora and personal data practices. Registration preferably by 11the December.

FinnSentiment corpus published


FinnSentiment – A Finnish Social Media Corpus for Sentiment Polarity Annotation The FinnSentiment corpus is now available at the Language Bank download service: metadata, corpus. FinnSentiment contains 27,000 separate sentences […]

Korp service break and temporary degradation of service early in December 2020


Korp service break and temporary degradation of service early in December 2020 For technical reasons, the Korp service will be moved to another server early in December 2020. The Korp […]

The online course Data Clinic 2020-21 begins on Nov 13th – register now!


This online course can support you with practical issues in managing the research data you need for your MA thesis or PhD project.

Researcher of the Month: Tommi Kurki


Tommi Kurki from the University of Turku tells us about how he makes use of the resources provided by Kielipankki.

Donate speech to help ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence un­der­stand dia­lects


The Donate Speech campaign is presented in the news of the University of Helsinki. Krister Lindén and Mietta Lennes from FIN-CLARIN were interviewed by Mari Peltonen.

Save the date: Joint workshop day together with ELRC and ELG 15.12.2020


Workshop day to be organized together with ELRC and ELG on 15th December 2020 FIN-CLARIN is planning an online event together with ELRC (European Language Resource Coordination) and ELG (European […]

Join the online course Introduction to Speech Analysis!


The open online course Introduction to Speech Analysis (5 ECTS) has just started. The course is now offered for the first time in both Finnish and in English. It can be relevant for students in phonetics, linguistics and languages, but also in other fields where audio recordings of speech are used for research.

New corpus (beta): Finnish OpenSubtitles 2017


New corpus (beta): Finnish OpenSubtitles 2017 Finnish OpenSubtitles 2017, Kielipankki Korp Version is now available in Korp as a beta test version.

Researcher of the Month: Saana Svärd


Researcher of the Month: Saana Svärd Photo: Lauri Laine   Kielipankki – The Language Bank of Finland is a service for researchers using language resources. Associate Professor in Ancient Near […]

Tero Aalto: DeepFin: State-of-the-art natural language processing for Finnish (blog)


By utilizing billions of words of text and supercomputer capabilities at CSC, a new model called FinBERT was trained in the DeepFin project for processing Finnish text.

Researcher of the Month: Tuomo Hiippala


Researcher of the Month: Tuomo Hiippala Photo: Veikko Somerpuro   Kielipankki – The Language Bank of Finland is a service for researchers using language resources. Assistant Professor of English Language […]

Tero Aalto: The Language Bank of Finland serves digital humanities and social sciences (blog)


It makes sense to deposit text and speech corpora with the Language Bank of Finland, since the data can be utilized widely in the humanities and social sciences. The Language Bank of Finland helps researchers distribute their data and makes it easy for them to cite corpora in a uniform and persistent way.

Easy-to-read Finnish magazines also in the corpus folder “Selkokieli”


Easy-to-read Finnish magazines also in the corpus folder “Selkokieli” The easy-to-read Finnish magazines Leija and Selkosanomat/Selkouutiset are now also shown in the corpus folder Selkokieli (Easy-to-read Finnish), which makes it […]

Researcher of the Month: Jenny Tarvainen


Researcher of the Month: Jenny Tarvainen Photo: Inka Huuskonen   Kielipankki – The Language Bank of Finland is a service for researchers using language resources. Jenny Tarvainen, graduate from the […]

Researcher of the Month: Sam Hardwick


Researcher of the Month: Sam Hardwick Photo: Bess Hardwick   Kielipankki – The Language Bank of Finland is a service for researchers using language resources. Sam Hardwick, project researcher at […]

Presentations from CLARIN Café II: How to use CLARIN in (online) higher education


CLARIN Café II: How to use CLARIN in (online) higher education In this virtual CLARIN event, Mietta Lennes from FIN-CLARIN gave a short presentation about her online teaching. YouTube playlist […]

The Donate Speech (Lahjoita puhetta) campaign kicks off


The Language Bank of Finland is working together with the Finnish Broadcasting Company (Yle) and the Finnish State Development Company (Vake Oy) in the Donate Speech campaign (Lahjoita puhetta) launching on 16th June 2020. The aim of this project is to collect Finnish speech from all kinds of people, from all over Finland and abroad. By donating your speech, you can help researchers and companies develop technology and services that can be used in Finnish.

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