
Agricola corpus updated during the spring


Agricola corpus updated during the spring Agricola corpus was slightly updated during the spring, but advertising it was left to Korp. Here’s the article from Korp detailing the update done […]

Researcher of the Month: Anna Puupponen


Researcher of the Month: Anna Puupponen Photo: Tapio Laitinen   Kielipankki – The Language Bank of Finland is a service for researchers using language resources. Anna Puupponen, postdoctoral researcher at […]

How to cite a corpus that is available in the Language Bank of Finland


Did you know that the Language Bank of Finland offers reference instructions for every corpus version? It is easy to include an accurate reference in publications!

Researcher of the Month: Juhana Salonen


Researcher of the Month: Juhana Salonen Photo: Hanna-Kaisa Hämäläinen   Kielipankki – The Language Bank of Finland is a service for researchers using language resources. Juhana Salonen, project researcher at […]

Tero Aalto: What a researcher should know about persistent identifiers (blog)


Even the most useful information has no practical value if nobody can access it. Persistence is especially important for scientific knowledge. By using persistent identifiers, data, publications and people can still be found years from now and can receive the attention and appreciation they deserve.

Blog: Language technology paving the way for digital humanities (Tero Aalto, CSC)


Computational methods are nothing new in digital humanities and social sciences. In fact, language research has a special tool that puts it ahead of the pack: language technology, a field that combines linguistics and computer science.

Researcher of the Month: Mikhail Mikhailov


Researcher of the Month: Mikhail Mikhahilov Photo: University of Helsinki   Kielipankki – The Language Bank of Finland is a service for researchers using language resources. Mikhail Mikhail, professor of […]

The Suomi24 Corpus 2001-2017, VRT version 1.1 published in Download service


The Suomi24 Corpus 2001-2017, VRT version 1.1 published in Download service In January, we published a new version of the Suomi24 2017H2 in Korp service with the name ”The Suomi24 […]

Beta-status removed from Wanca 2016, Korp Version and the source and VRT versions published in the Download service


Beta-status removed from Wanca 2016, Korp Version and the source and VRT versions published in the Download service The Korp version of Wanca 2016  is a collection of web corpora […]

Researcher of the Month: Markus Mattila


Researcher of the Month: Markus Mattila Photo: Markus Mattila   Kielipankki – The Language Bank of Finland is a service for researchers using language resources. Markus Mattila, MA graduated from […]

Suomi24 2001–2017: Corrected writer nickname information


Suomi24 2001–2017: Corrected writer nickname information The Suomi24 2001–2017 corpus has been updated to Korp version 1.1, in which writer nickname information has been corrected. The following modifications have been […]

New: Search Google Scholar for publications related to individual corpora in the Language Bank of Finland


Kielipankin aineistojen viittausohjeisiin on nyt lisätty Google Scholar -hakulinkit, joilla voi kätevästi etsiä aiempia samaan aineistoon liittyviä julkaisuja. Viittausohjeiden noudattaminen kannattaa!

New corpus (beta): Classics of English and American Literature as translated by Kersti Juva, English–Finnish parallel corpus


The Classics of English and American Literature as translated by Kersti Juva, English-Finnish parallel corpus, scrambled, Korp is now available in Korp as a beta test version: metadata, link to […]

Researcher of the Month: Anita Nuopponen


Researcher of the Month: Anita Nuopponen Photo: Harri Huusko   Kielipankki – The Language Bank of Finland is a service for researchers using language resources. Anita Nuopponen, professor in technical […]

FIN-CLARIN and the Language Bank of Finland presented at CA18209 ”NexusLinguarum” plenary meeting in Prague


Finland is currently participating in the COST Action 18209 ”NexusLinguarum”. FIN-CLARIN and the Language Bank of Finland were presented by Mietta Lennes. You can see the poster here.

ParlaCLARIN II: LREC2020 workshop on creating, using and linking parliamentary corpora with other types of political discourse


The 2020 ParlaCLARIN workshop will be held in Marseille (France), as part of the 12th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC2020). The Call for Papers is open until 14 February 2020.

Researcher of the Month: Emma Sepänaho


Researcher of the Month: Emma Sepänaho Photo: Sofia Tikanmäki   Kielipankki – The Language Bank of Finland is a service for researchers using language resources. Emma Sepänaho, graduate student at […]

Vocabulary of Safety and Health (TSK-35) and The Terminological Vocabulary of Kela – Benefit-related Concepts, 4th Edition (TSK-49) in the download service


The following vocabularies are now available for download: The Finnish Terminology Centre TSK The Vocabulary of Safety and Health at Work (TSK-35) More information, link to the resource and the […]

Translation memories Hallituskausi 2007-2011 and Hallituskausi 2011-2015 in the download service


Translation memories Hallituskausi 2007-2011 and Hallituskausi 2011-2015 are available in the download service Two translation memories (Finnish into English) published by the translation and language services of the Prime Minister’s […]

Finnish OpenSubtitles 2017 and Finnish Wikipedia 2017 in the download service


Finnish OpenSubtitles 2017 and Finnish Wikipedia 2017 (source materials) in the download service The corpora Finnish OpenSubtitles 2017, source and Finnish Wikipedia 2017, source are available in the download service […]

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