
Newsletter of the Language Bank of Finland (1/2024)


Newsletter of the Language Bank of Finland 1/2024 Suomeksi The ’Researcher of the Month’ series reached a milestone Ever since the spring of 2016, the Language Bank of Finland has […]

Change in metadata platform: from META-SHARE to COMEDI


Change in metadata platform The Language Bank of Finland maintains metadata records of all the resources it distributes. Each individual resource version has its own metadata record with a persistent […]

Improved resource: The University of Helsinki Language Corpus Server (UHLCS) collection


The UHLCS corpus collection has undergone some extensive maintenance.

New resource: The Finnish Sub-corpus of the Newspaper and Periodical Corpus of the National Library of Finland version 2, VRT


The Finnish Sub-corpus of the Newspaper and Periodical Corpus of the National Library of Finland version 2, VRT is available at the download service at Kielipankki. The oldest texts from the years 1771-1874 are separately available as a downloadable public resource.

Researcher of the Month: Krister Lindén


Suomeksi Researcher of the Month: Krister Lindén Photo: Juhani Jokinen Kielipankki – The Language Bank of Finland offers a comprehensive set of resources, tools and services in a high-performance environment. […]

New resource: Finnish News Agency Archive 2022-2023, source


New resource: Finnish News Agency Archive 2022-2023, source The Finnish News Agency Archive 2022-2023, source is available at the download service at Kielipankki. More information can be found on the […]

Mylly will be discontinued on 17th June 2024


Due to very low usage, the Mylly service ( will be discontinued on 17.6.2024. The tool scripts from Mylly will still be available via GitHub, if you wish to use them on other platforms.

Researcher of the Month: Juraj Šimko


Suomeksi Researcher of the Month: Juraj Šimko Photo: Veikko Somerpuro Kielipankki – The Language Bank of Finland is a service for researchers using language resources. Juraj Šimko tells us about […]

New resource: T-Bone Slim Corpus, source


New resource: T-Bone Slim Corpus, source The T-Bone Slim Corpus, source is available at the download service at Kielipankki. Upcoming event: Resurrection – T-Bone Slim Corpus and Database Launching Event […]

Researcher of the Month: Lotta Leiwo


Suomeksi Researcher of the Month: Lotta Leiwo Photo: Veikko Somerpuro Kielipankki – The Language Bank of Finland is a service for researchers using language resources. Lotta Leiwo tells us about […]

New resource (beta): Uralic UD v2.13, Kielipankki Korp version


New resource (beta): Uralic UD v2.13, Kielipankki Korp version Uralic UD v2.13, Kielipankki Korp version is now available in Korp as a beta test version. Please note that this resource […]

Introducing: LAREINA project (funded by Business Finland)


Introducing: LAREINA project (funded by Business Finland) An article presenting the LAREINA – Language Resource Infrastructure for AI (2023–25) project has been published on the website of the University of […]

Transnational Access Grants: Calls for Applications


Transnational Access Grants: Calls for Applications CLARIN is a consortium partner in the Advancing FronTier Research In the Arts and hUManities (ATRIUM) project. The ATRIUM project invites researchers to apply to […]

CSC Computing Environment free online courses 24.-25.4.2024 (Part 1: Basics) and 15.-16.5.2024 (Part 2: Next steps)


Part 1: This is what everyone should know about our computing environment when launching jobs! – Part 2: How to handle large datasets, install own software and scale up workflows efficiently in CSC’s computing environment.

Researcher of the Month: Harri Uusitalo


Suomeksi Researcher of the Month: Harri Uusitalo Photo: Timo Tuovinen Kielipankki – The Language Bank of Finland is a service for researchers using language resources. Harri Uusitalo tells us about […]

New resource: Material from the DigiTala research project (2019–2023)


New resource: Material from the DigiTala research project (2019–2023) The material, collected during the DigiTala research project (2019–2023), is available at the download service at Kielipankki in four corpora: DigiTala: […]

Donera prat-kampanjerna på finska och finlandssvenska är avslutade


Ett stort tack till alla donatorer!

The Donate Speech campaigns in Finnish and Finland-Swedish are closed


Thanks to all donors!

Yle Finnish News Archive 2011-2021: Links to original texts are working again


We fixed broken links from Korp to the original news texts at Yle.

Researcher of the Month: Tanja Säily


Suomeksi Researcher of the Month: Tanja Säily Photo: Veikko Somerpuro Kielipankki – The Language Bank of Finland is a service for researchers using language resources. Tanja Säily tells us about […]

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