Resource-specific data protection terms and conditions (eduskunta)


Title of Resource: Plenary Sessions of the Parliament of Finland


This page describes the specific conditions regarding the processing of the personal data in this Resource. In addition to these conditions, see the guidelines for processing personal data in the Language Bank of Finland.

Controller of the data stored in the Language Bank of Finland

University of Helsinki
PO Box 3
00014 University of Helsinki
Phone: 02941 911

For further details on the data protection of the resources in the Language Bank of Finland, please contact FIN-CLARIN helpdesk.

Data Protection Officer of the University of Helsinki


Description of the personal data

Types of personal data in the Resource

  • Details of individuals (mainly Members of Parliament) who have spoken in parliamentary plenary sessions
    • Name of the speaker
    • Parliamentary group of the speaker (e.g., ”Sosialidemokraattinen eduskuntaryhmä” or ”Keskustan eduskuntaryhmä”)
    • Role of the speaker (e.g., ”Puhemies” or ”Liikenneministeri”)
  • Random personal information mentioned in speeches (e.g., ”Venäjän pääministeri xxx”)
  • The voices of the speakers in the audio and video recordings

Categories of data subjects

  • Members of Parliament and other individuals who have spoken in parliamentary plenary sessions
  • Other individuals who have been mentioned in plenary sessions

Data protection terms and conditions for this Resource

In these data protection terms and conditions, End-User means the party acting as the Controller for the Resource received, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679. Depending on the case and the purpose of Resource use, End-User may therefore mean the CLARIN service user’s employer or organisation (e.g., a university, university of applied sciences or other research organisation) or the service user personally.

The End-User understands that when receiving the Resource, it becomes a Controller, as referred to in the data protection legislation. The End-User must ensure that it complies with the applicable data protection legislation when processing personal data.

Publish a link to your Privacy Notice

When you start using this Resource, share the title of your project that is understandable to the general public as well as the link to the publicly available privacy notice (see instructions). This information will be published on the website of the Language Bank of Finland.


This page was last updated on 3.9.2024.

Persistent identifier of this page: urn:nbn:fi:lb-2021062223