Terms of use, privacy practices and accessibility statement of the Language Bank of Finland


Terms of use

The following terms and conditions are binding to all users of the Language Bank of Finland.

Resource-specific terms and conditions are stated in the end-user licenses of individual resources (see the metadata record of the resource or the License column in the list of corpora). Note that the licenses of some resources also include specific data protection terms and conditions to which end-users must pay attention.

In case you cannot find the end-user license of a resource you intend to start using, please contact the Language Bank.

Data protection statement

Accessibility statement

Accessibility information is currently available in Finnish only.

Search the Language Bank Portal:
Simo Määttä
Researcher of the Month: Simo Määttä


Upcoming events


The Language Bank's technical support:
kielipankki (at) csc.fi
tel. +358 9 4572001

Requests related to language resources:
fin-clarin (at) helsinki.fi
tel. +358 29 4129317

More contact information