
This page describes the capacity planning and monitoring process for data at the Language Bank of Finland.

Below we outline the quotas and actions to be taken if the quota is about to be reached.


if >75% in use:

  1. clean up below 75% or
  2. prepare to add 1,5×90% capacity, once 90% is reached.

Once a year: Ensure 30% free space (by adding space or cleaning up)


Quota 10T.

if >80% in use:

  1. cleanup.and/or:
  2. Move important data to Allas or straight IDA

Note that ”important data” is not yet defined properly.


Quota 10T.

if >80% in use:

  1. clean up and/or:
  2. Move important data to IDA

Note that ”important data” is not yet defined properly.


Quota 100T.

if >80% in use:

  1. clean up and/or:
  2. Move important data to PAS

The decision about important data to be moved to PAS is decided according to our Long Term Preservation Plan.


Final destination of data based on merit. No direct quota.

Hae Kielipankki-portaalista:
Sofoklis Kakouros
Kuukauden tutkija: Sofoklis Kakouros


Tulevat tapahtumat


Kielipankin tekninen ylläpito:
kielipankki (ät)
p. 09 4572001

Aineistoihin ja muuhun sisältöön liittyvät asiat:
fin-clarin (ät)
p. 029 4129317

Tarkemmat yhteystiedot