Yle News Archive (2011–)


The Yle News Archive contains Finnish news articles from 2011 and Swedish articles from 2012 onwards from YLE. The archives are cumulative and the latest versions are published on this page.

Latest versions of this resource:  
Parallel Sentence Aligned Corpus of Finnish and Easy-to-read Finnish from the Yle News Archive 2014-2020, source
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Parallel Corpus of Finnish and Easy-to-read Finnish from the Yle News Archive 2014-2018, source
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Parallel Corpus of Finnish and Easy-to-read Finnish from the Yle News Archive 2019-2020, source
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Yle Finnish News Archive 2011-2021, Korp
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Yle Finnish News Archive 2011-2021, scrambled, Korp
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Yle Finnish News Archive 2019-2021, Korp
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Yle Finnish News Archive 2019-2021, scrambled, Korp
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Yle Finnish News Archive 2019-2021, VRT
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Yle Finnish News Archive 2019-2021, scrambled, VRT
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Yle Finnish News Archive 2019-2020, source
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Yle Finnish News Archive 2021, source
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Yle News Archive Easy-to-read Finnish 2019-2020, source
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Yle Swedish News Archive 2019-2020, source
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Versions 2011-2018:  
Yle Finnish News Archive 2011-2018, Korp
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Open in Korp
Yle Finnish News Archive 2011-2018, scrambled, Korp
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Open in Korp
Yle Finnish News Archive 2011-2018, source
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Yle Finnish News Archive 2011-2018, VRT
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Yle Finnish News Archive 2011-2018, scrambled, VRT
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Yle News Archive Easy-to-read Finnish 2011-2018, Korp
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Open in Korp
Yle News Archive Easy-to-read Finnish 2011-2018, scrambled, Korp
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Open in Korp
Yle News Archive Easy-to-read Finnish 2011-2018, source
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Yle News Archive Easy-to-read Finnish 2011-2018, VRT
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Yle News Archive Easy-to-read Finnish 2011-2018, scrambled, VRT
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Yle Swedish News Archive 2012-2018, Korp (Yle svenska webbartiklar 2012-2018, Korp)
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Yle Swedish News Archive 2012-2018, scrambled, Korp (Yle svenska webbartiklar 2012-2018, blandad, Korp)
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Yle Swedish News Archive 2012-2018, source (Yle svenska webbartiklar 2012-2018, källmaterial)
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Yle Swedish News Archive 2012-2018, VRT (Yle svenska webbartiklar 2012-2018, VRT)
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Yle Swedish News Archive 2012-2018, scrambled, VRT (Yle svenska webbartiklar 2012-2018, blandad, VRT)
icon-info-circle Metadata and license
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Look for other versions of this resource

Several different versions of these resources are published in the Language Bank of Finland. The versions are available through the Language Bank Download Service and/or through the Korp concordance tool. The links to the different versions can be found on the list above.

Details on the content and license of each version are available via META-SHARE.

Last updated: 01.02.2024

This page has a persistent identifier: http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:lb-2023072122

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