Classics of English and American Literature in Finnish, Sentences and Paragraphs in the Original Order (CEAL-o)
This page is to inform you that changes have been made to the original corpus data referenced by the PID urn:nbn:fi:lb-2017022201 (and hdl:11113/lb-2017022201) on 18.01.2018). The original content is available upon request.
Click here to proceed to the updated dataset in Korp. The dataset contains the changes detailed below.
- Incorrectly split tokens have been fixed. This fix also means, that the word count in Korp will lead to a different result than in the previous version.
- Morphological, syntactic and name annotations have been added to the data. For more information please see section 1 of General Fixes 11/2017.
- Korp shows more descriptive corpus descriptions, licence information and data URNs.
- Some text attribute labels have been changed in Korp.
- The data has the chapter number as a text attribute (and also volume number for “Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice”).