
Introduction to the Language Bank of Finland at the workshop “Digital Parliamentary data and research”

Friday 3 May at 12.00
Aalto University (Otaniemi), CS-Building, Room T4 / A238 (Konemiehentie 2)

The aim of the workshop was to discuss the novel digital parliamentary datasets—in particular those of Parliament of Finland—their use in research, the related research resources and tools, and their future development for researchers, but also for citizens and the media. FIN-CLARIN and the Korp version 1.1 of the Plenary Sessions of the Parliament of Finland, available in the Language Bank of Finland, was also presented during the afternoon.

Mietta Lennes: FIN-CLARIN and Parliamentary Data in Kielipankki – the Language Bank of Finland (PowerPoint / PDF slides)

Further information including the programme of the workshop can be found at https://www.helsinki.fi/en/helsinki-centre-for-digital-humanities/workshop-digital-parliamentary-data-and-research.