Finland, Yesterday and Today (suomiejt-par)


Current versions of this resource:
Finland, Yesterday and Today, parallel corpus, Korp Version
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The corpus will be available in Korp soon icon-question-circle
Finland, Yesterday and Today, parallel corpus, VRT
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The corpus will be available for download soon
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Corpus contents

Suomi eilen ja tänään ’Finland, Yesterday and Today’ was written as a manuscript by Kaisa Häkkinen and Seppo Zetterberg for translation into numerous minority Finno-Ugric languages in Russia. In the late 1990s, the M.A. Castrén Society commissioned this manuscript as an information package for providing minority-language information on Finnish history, culture and statehood in 1995. One of the ideas behind this project was to provide primary information that was not available through any other channel – give minority language a meaningful use as a source of new information. Thus, translations were made into the minority languages Komi-Zyrian, Udmurt, Meadow Mari, Erzya and Moksha. The translators were linguists who had spent time in Finland and therefore had personal experience of Finland as well. All of the translations including a Russian translation were published in Russia in 1997.

Further details about the content and the terms and conditions regarding the different corpus versions are available in the corresponding metadata records.

Last updated: 02.08.2023

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