Grant agreement: Academy of Finland no. 345610
Start date: 01-01-2022
Duration: 24 months
WP 3.3: Report on Qualitative survey data concept network
Date of reporting: 14-11-2022
Report author: Krista Lagus (University of Helsinki)
Contributors: Rachel Bryant, Maria Litova, Tuukka Oikarinen, Joni Oksanen, Maria Valaste (University of Helsinki), Sakari Taipale, Ida Toivanen, Tomi Oinas (University of Jyväskylä), Jani-Matti Tirkkonen (University of Eastern Finland), Jaakko Peltonen (Tampere University)
Deliverable location:
The objective of the WP3.3 is to better use unstructured qualitative textual data in the context of Finnish surveys with the use of a concept network tool. The toolbox is intended to build a bridge from not-very-NLP-coding-apt social science researchers towards the computational NLP community’s text analytics methods and processes that might be useful for understanding the results of their survey.
Currently, the concept network tool consists of implementing multiple use cases for the exploratory analysis of survey open responses as separate processing streams. Use cases for the streams are being defined based on working with the pilot data sets. There are 5 pilot data sets that have been obtained for explorative methodological work to facilitate tool development. So far analysis and development work has begun on three; remaining two will be utilised for testing the tools during 2023. We are likely to reach the final version of deliverable 3.3.1 in Q4/2022 or Q1/2023. At the moment, we have pushed the deadline to Q4/2022 due to data set obtaining, data analyses and methods exploration taking more time than was originally anticipated. The toolset (process pipeline) development is in progress, not ready to be released yet, as it needs harmonising, testing and documenting.