Installing and using dockerized tools (finnish-postag, finnish-nertag, …)

Some tools are available as Docker images. They can be used without installing any other dependencies (except for Docker). At this time the images are replacements for the command-line versions of these tools, meaning that they’re used via stdin and stdout, but they can also be run in an application server as a web service.

For now, the available tools are finnish-nertag, finnish-postag and finnish-tokenize.


The images are available on the Language Bank’s Dockerhub account, and may be installed as follows:

sudo docker pull kielipankki/finnish-nertag:latest

(Or finnish-postag, etc.)


The resulting containers communicate via stdin and stdout, so you could test them like this::

$ sudo docker run --rm -i kielipankki/finnish-nertag <<< 'Pekingin olympialaiset 2008'
Pekingin <EnamexEvtXxx>
2008 </EnamexEvtXxx>

They understand the same command-line options as the underlying tools:

$ sudo docker run --rm -i kielipankki/finnish-nertag --bio <<< 'Pekingin olympialaiset 2008'
Pekingin B-MISC
olympialaiset I-MISC
2008 I-MISC

$ sudo docker run –rm -i kielipankki/finnish-nertag –show-analyses <<< ’Pekingin olympialaiset 2008’
Pekingin peking [POS=NOUN][PROPER=PROPER][NUM=SG][CASE=GEN] [PROP=GEO] <EnamexEvtXxx>
olympialaiset olympialaiset [POS=NOUN][NUM=PL][CASE=NOM] _
2008 2008 [POS=NUMERAL][SUBCAT=CARD] _ </EnamexEvtXxx>

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Marko Jouste
Researcher of the Month: Marko Jouste


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