
Terminology Forum

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The selection of Terminology Forum Glossaries in Kielipankki – The Language Bank of Finland contains Finnish terminologies and glossaries created by experts and enthusiasts in various fields. The original glossaries have been published on the public websites of individuals, organizations, companies and other entities. The content can be useful for professionals, hobbyists, translators, teachers, students, language researchers and many others interested in specific topics.

The resource is openly available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license via the Language Bank of Finland. Individual glossaries have been included in the published collection on permission from their authors or compilers. Due to copyright reasons, all images have been excluded.

Citation is required when using the resource. Please make sure to refer to the appropriate version of the collection. To refer to specific glossaries within the collection, please find the attribution instructions on the metadata pages of the given parts. Further details regarding the licenses and rightholders can be found in the metadata records of either the entire collection or the individual glossaries.

Note that the glossaries and terminologies have been stored in the Language Bank of Finland as such. Their contents, terms, definitions or translations have not been checked or edited in any way, and they may contain errors. All the information obtained from this resource should always be checked from other sources.


This collection was started in a collaboration project between the Terminology Forum, compiled by the University of Vaasa, and the Language Bank of Finland. In the project, the original collection of 553 glossaries and other terminological information resources was reviewed, and approximately twenty glossaries were selected for a pilot project. The authors and compilers of the glossaries were contacted in order to ask for their permission to publish their work. Ten glossaries were included in the first publication batch where the process was tested. When possible, the collection is to be expanded with new glossaries after their licenses are cleared.

The first release (5.10.2021) of the collection contains the following glossaries:

Abbreviation Name and metadata Location
termforum-src-atk Ensimmäinen ATK-sanasto Download
termforum-src-halo Halosanasto Download
termforum-src-karavaanari Karavaanarin sanasto Download
termforum-src-kokous Kokous- ja konferenssisanasto Download
termforum-src-maastopyoraily Maastopyöräilysanasto Download
termforum-src-polkupyorawiki Polkupyöräwikin sanasto Download
termforum-src-puutarha Puutarhasanasto Download
termforum-src-rahoitusala Rahoitusalan sanasto Download
termforum-src-tietotekniikka Tietotekniikkasanasto Download
termforum-src-tv TV-mittaritutkimus Download

The second release (21.03.2022) of the collection contains the following additional glossaries:

Abbreviation Name and metadata Location
termforum-src-ekly Etelä-Karjalan lintutieteellisen yhdistyksen sanastot Download
termforum-src-kss-ankerois Kasvinsuojeluseura ry:n sanastot, ankeroisnimistö Download
termforum-src-kss-bio Kasvinsuojeluseura ry:n sanastot, biologisen ja bioteknisen kasvinsuojelun sanasto Download
termforum-src-kss-sieni Kasvinsuojeluseura ry:n sanastot, kasvien sieni- ja bakteeritautien nimistö Download
termforum-src-kss-torjunta Kasvinsuojeluseura ry:n sanastot, torjuntamenetelmäsanasto Download
termforum-src-kss-virus Kasvinsuojeluseura ry:n sanastot, kasvivirus- ja viroidinimistö Download
termforum-src-nayttamotekniikka Näyttämötekniikan sanastoa Download
termforum-src-puuvartiset Puuvartisten kasvien nimiluettelo Download
termforum-src-taidegrafiikka Taidegrafiikan sanakirja Download
termforum-src-virkanimike Ammatti- ja virkanimikkeet Download

The following glossaries are also available at the Language Bank of Finland:

Abbreviation Name and resource page
taajuussanasto9996 Frequency Lexicon of the Finnish Newspaper Language
TSK-35 The Vocabulary of Safety and Health at Work (TSK 35)
TSK-49 The Terminological Vocabulary of Kela – Benefit-related Concepts, 4th Edition (TSK 49)



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