News from the Language Bank of Finland 17th June 2013

New contact person for FIN-CLARIN

The National Library’s newspaper and periodical-corpus to Korp

  • During summer and autumn a large collection of newspapers and periodicals will be uploaded to Korp, where you can search e.g. for concordances. The corpus will be in public use. Korp:

LAT update

  • The LAT system of the Language Bank of Finland will be updated in the near future. Due to the update a short maintenance break will occur. The users will be notified of the break in due time. LAT:


  • You can find detailed information about over 2000 language resources in the META-SHARE ”managing nodes” located in several different countries:
  • More than 160 language resources are already represented in the Finnish META-SHARE node. You can register and start describing your own resources there:
  • We are ready to mirror for CLARIN the language resource descriptions that have been published in the Finnish META-SHARE node. A bridge to an OAI-PMH server has been developed in the Finnish Language Bank project and is now being tested.

SICStus Prolog will be removed from Hippu

  • The SICStus Prolog development system on CSC:s Hippu server will be removed on 31st July 2013 due to low use. More details:

Forthcoming events

The collections and services of the Language Bank of Finland can now be found at

Forthcoming language resources:
FIN-CLARIN and the Language Bank of Finland wish you a nice summer and relaxing holidays!

Mietta Lennes and Imre Bartis
Planning Officers / FIN-CLARIN